The 18th District Court is using Zoom to conduct electronic hearings. To participate in a Zoom hearing you must be a scheduled party to the hearing. The 18th District Court is open to the public. Individuals who would like to watch court proceedings you must appear in person as Zoom participation is limited to scheduled parties only. The courtrooms are open to the public and we welcome you to watch any scheduled proceeding. You may view or dockets using the link below.
Please go to to familiarize yourself with Zoom protocols before attending a Zoom hearing.
You may also review court dockets online. To view a court docket click: court dockets. Note: If a case is non-public you will not be able to view
Probation Officer:
Eric Lange: Passcode: 1818
JoAnn Darragh: Passcode: 1818
Christy Seale: Passcode: 1818
Purity Marsh: www.zoom/us/j/5194949934 Passcode: 1818
Haley Blair: Passcode: 1818